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Candle Grade Beeswax

Candle Grade Beeswax is the purest form of beeswax in

the World

The simplest way and most efficient way to test Beeswax's purity is to burn it. As little as 0.3% of extraneous matter or propolis left in Beeswax will prevent it from burning consistently.

Given higher amounts of extraneous matter the candle won't burn out completely. The more particles in the wax the more strain is placed upon the wick, producing a small flame.

We tested Beeswax Australia's wax compared to other Australian Beeswax available on the market.

The same wick. The same glass holder. The same 20g tealight. 

Different Beeswax.

Beeswax Australia guarantees every drop of our candle-grade Beeswax will burn with consistency and purity.

Beeswax Australia produces two forms of Beeswax, blocks and pearls, by the ton if requested.

If you are a Beekeeper, Beeswax Australia can finely filter your wax for you.

All wax is sourced within Australia and run through custom-built machinery with utmost care. 

Our blocks come in convenient 2.5kg blocks for ease of use. Carefully filtered over 5 days through water and gold.

Our pearls follow the same filtration process before being turned into thousands of tiny drops. These Pearls are the cream of Australian Beeswax, easy to measure and the purest candle-grade wax available.

Beeswax Pearls
Beeswax Blocks
Beeswax Australia Blocks
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